Chemical and boron isotopic variations of tourmaline in the Hnilec granite-related hydrothermal system, Slovakia: Contrains on magmatic and metamorphic fluid evolution. / S.Y. Jiang, Martin Radvanec, M. Nakamura, M. Palmer, K. Kobayashi, H.X. Zhao, D.Z. Kui - In: Lithos. An International Journal of Petrology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry. - ISSN 0024-4937 - Roč. 106, č. 1-2 (2008), s. 1-11.

[ Jiang, S.Y. - Radvanec, Martin (SGUDSOGOPUAP-SNV) - Nakamura, M. - Palmer, M. - Kobayashi, K. - Zhao, H.X. - Kui, D.Z. ]

Rok vykazovania: 2008 Signatúra: Typ: Článok z periodika


Mineral chemistry and boron isotopic compositions of tourmaline and related minerals in the contact between metapelite and granite from the Hnilec area, Western Carpathians. / Shao-Yong Jiang, Martin Radvanec, M. R. Palmer, E. Nakamura, K. Kobayashi, Zhao Kui-Dong - In: International Symposium on Crust-Mantle Evolution and Mineralization. - Nanjing : Nanjing University China, 2007. - s. 24.

Akcia: International Symposium on Crust-Mantle Evolution and Mineralization, Nanjing, China, 16. - 21.3.2007

[ Jiang, Shao-Yong ( ) - Radvanec, Martin (SGUDSOGOPUAP-SNV) - Palmer, M. R. - Nakamura, E. - Kobayashi, K. - Kui-Dong, Zhao ]

Rok vykazovania: 2007 Signatúra: Typ: Článok zo zborníka

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