Monitoring of natural hazards in Slovakia by using of satellite radar interferometry (Conference Paper). / Martin Leško, Juraj Papčo, Matúš Bakoň, Pavel Liščák - In: Procedia Computer Science. - ISSN 1877-0509 - Vol. 138, (2018), p. 374-381.

Akcia: CENTERIS 2018- International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / International Conference on Project Management /, Lisbon, Port., 21. - 23.11.2018


[ Leško, Martin - Papčo, Juraj - Bakoň, Matúš - Liščák, Pavel (SGUDSOGOIG-BA)]

Rok vykazovania: 2018 Signatúra: Typ: Článok z periodika
Poznámka:  registrované v SCOPUS, WOS


Satellite radar interferometry for monitoring slope failures in the region of Upper Nitra, Slovakia. / Peter Ondrejka, Pavel Liščák, Andrej Žilka, Peter Bajtoš, Peter Pauditš, Matúš Bakoň, Juraj Papčo , Marián Plakinger, Martin Leško - In: Fringe 2017. The 10th International Workshop on Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSAR. Abstract Book. 5-9 June 2017, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. - 2017. - p. 324.

Akcia: Fringe 2017 : The 10th International Workshop on "Advances in the Science and Applications of SAR Interferometry and Sentinel-1 InSARö, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, 5. - 9.6.2017


[ Ondrejka, Peter (SGUDSOGOIG-BA) - Liščák, Pavel (SGUDSOGOIG-BA) - Žilka, Andrej (SGUDSOGOIG-BA) - Bajtoš, Peter (SGUDSOGOHAGE-SNV) - Pauditš, Peter (SGUDSOGOIG-BA) - Bakoň, Matúš - Papčo , Juraj - Plakinger, Marián - Leško, Martin ]

Rok vykazovania: 2017 Signatúra: Typ: Článok zo zborníka

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