Na-rich and high-Al granitoid magma in the Tatra Mts. (Western Carpathians, Slovakia) - melting of the amphibolitic lower crust? / Milan Kohút, U. Poller, W. Todt, P. Nabelek, M. Janák - In: Geologica Carpathica. International Geological Conference Carpathian Geology. October 11-14, 1999, Smolenice, Slovak Republic. - ISSN 1335-0552 - Roč. 50, special issue (1999), s. 107-109.

Akcia: International geological conference. Carpathian geology 2000, Smolenice, SK, 11. - 14.10.1999

[ Kohút, Milan (SGUDSOGOPUAP-BA) - Poller, U. - Todt, W. - Nabelek, P. - Janák, M. ]

Rok vykazovania: 1999 Signatúra: 1 B 33 Typ: Článok z periodika
Kľúčové slová: Západné Karpaty; Tatry; granitoidy; Na; Al; geochémia; izotopy; Slovensko


Granitic rocks of the Branisko Mts. - Partial melting products of the Patria amphibolite - Gneissic (greenstone) complex. / Milan Kohút, U. Poller, P. Nabelek, W. Todt, A. S. Gaab - In: Journal of the Czech Geological Society. Abstract Volume. International Conference. Geology Without Frontiers: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of central European variscides. Blansko-Češkovice, Czech republic, 29 May-1 June 2003 : Časopis české geologické společnosti. - ISSN 1210-8197 - Vol. 48, No. 1-2 (2003), s. 78-79.

Akcia: Geology Without Frontiers: magmatic and metamorphic evolution of central European variscides : International Conference, Blansko-Češkovice, CZ, 29.5 - 1.6.2003


[ Kohút, Milan (SGUDSOGOPUAP-BA) - Poller, U. - Nabelek, P. - Todt, W. - Gaab, A. S. ]

Rok vykazovania: 2003 Signatúra: Typ: Článok z periodika
Kľúčové slová: metamorfická petrológia; metamorfické udalosti; granity; geochémia; amfibolity; rula; parciálne tavenie; Branisko; rulový komplex


Geochemistry and Genesis of the Hercynian Granites from the Western Carpathians. / Milan Kohút, P. Nabelek, U. Poller, C. Recio, W. Todt - In: Geologica Carpathica. Proceedings of the XVIIth Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association. Bratislava, September 1-4, 2002. - ISSN 1335-0552 - Roč. 53, special issue (2002), 4 s..

Akcia: XVIIth Congress of Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Bratislava, SK, 1. - 4.9.2002

[ Kohút, Milan (SGUDSOGOPUAP-BA) - Nabelek, P. - Poller, U. - Recio, C. - Todt, W. ]

Rok vykazovania: 2002 Signatúra: 1 B 33 Typ: Článok z periodika


Continental Collision: Geodynamic Scenario for the Hercynian Granitic Rocks in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia. / Milan Kohút, U. Poller, W. Todt, P. Nabelek, K. M. Jan - In: Fourth Hutton Symposium. Abstracts. The origin of granites and related rocks. Clermont-Ferrand, France, September 20-25, 1999. Documents du BRGM 290. - Orléans-cedex : BRGM, 1999. - ISBN 2-7159-0889-X. - s. 213.

Akcia: The origin of granites and related rocks : Fourth Hutton Symposium, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 20. - 25.9.1995

[ Kohút, Milan (SGUDSOGOPUAP-BA) - Poller, U. - Todt, W. - Nabelek, P. - Jan, K. M. ]

Rok vykazovania: 1999 Signatúra: Typ: Článok zo zborníka

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