Case histories of lake-forming landslides in the Dragone valley (Northern Apennines, Italy). / SOLDATI, M., TOSATTI, G., Novosad, Stanislav, Peter Wagner - In: .- S.287-292.: 3 obr., bibl.: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference and Field Workshop on Landslides in Czech and Slovak Republics, 28 August-15 September, 1993.. - - ISBN 90 5410 302 7.

[ SOLDATI, M. - TOSATTI, G. - Novosad, Stanislav - Wagner, Peter (SGUDSGOOIG)]

Signatúra: Typ: Článok zo zborníka
Kľúčové slová: zosuvy; Apeniny; Alpy

Landslides affecting tabular rocks in complex geological situations: the case of Sasso di Simone amd Simoncello (Northern Apennines, Italy). / CONTI, S., TOSATTI, G., NOVOSAD, Stanislav, Peter Wagner - In: .- 1993.- S.219-224.: 7 obr., bibl.: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference and Field Workshop on Landslides in Czech and Slovak Republics/28 August-15 September 1993.. - 1993. - ISBN 90-5410-302-7.

[ CONTI, S. - TOSATTI, G. - NOVOSAD, Stanislav - Wagner, Peter (SGUDSGOOIG)]

Rok vydania: 1993 Signatúra: Typ: Článok zo zborníka
Kľúčové slová: zosuvy; Apeniny; Taliansko; tabulárne horniny

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