The Veľká Baňa metamorphic complex - structural position within the Bratislava granitic massif of the Malé Karpaty Mts. / Ivana Kohútová, Dagmar Gregorová, Milan Kohút - In: HUNTEK 2009. 7th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Group (CETeG). 14th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group (ČTS). 13-16 May, 2009, Pécs, Hungary. - Pécs : CETeG, 2009. - S. 47.

Akcia: HUNTEK-2009 : 7th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Group (CETeG). 14th Meeting of the Czech Tectonic Studies Group (ČTS, Pécs, HU, 13. - 16.5.2009

[ Kohútová, Ivana - Gregorová, Dagmar - Kohút, Milan (SGUDSOGOPUAP-BA)]

Rok vykazovania: 2009 Signatúra: C 2349 Typ: Článok zo zborníka
Kľúčové slová: Veľká Baňa; Malé Karpaty; Bratislava; metamorfný komplex


Geodynamic background of the origin of Variscan and Paleo-Alpine metamorphic core complexes in the Western Carpathiand and their metallogenetic importance. / Zoltán Németh - In: Geologica Balcanica : Advances of Geology in southeast European mountain belts : Abstracts. - Sofia : Bulgarian Academy of Science, 2018. - ISBN 978-954-90223-7-7. - s. 211.

Akcia: International Congress of the CBGA - roč.21., Salzburg, AT, 10. - 13.9.2018


[ Németh, Zoltán (SGUDSOGOPUAP-KE)]

Rok vykazovania: 2018 Signatúra: 15 B 73 Typ: Článok zo zborníka
Kľúčové slová: geodynamika; metalogenetika; jadrové komplexy; metamorfný komplex; Západné Karpaty

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