Záznamy 1..10 z 19

Relationship of linear remote sensing data and springs in epimetamorphic late paleozoic rocks. Malík, Peter - Lučeničová, Ľudmila (1995)
Some engineering geological problems encountered during the construction of the rock-fill dam Turček. Liščák, Pavel - Šimon, Ladislav - Wagner, Peter (1995)
The Veľká Fatra granitoid pluton - an example of a Variscan zoned body in the Western Carpathians. Kohút, Milan (1992)
The relationship of granitoids and metamorphic rocks in the crystalline complexes of the Tatricum and Veporicum (Western Carpathians): a combination of the effects of Hercynian and Alpine tectonics. Bezák, Vladimír (1992)
Neogene sequences. Kováč, Michal - Baráth, Ivan - Marko, František - Šútovská, K. - Uher, Pavel - Hladilová, Š. - Fordinál, Klement - Tuba, L. (1991)
Hercynian development of the Western Carpathians and some other segments of European Hercynides : Abstracts. April 11 - 12, 1994, Bratislava. Bezák, Vladimír - Lukáčik, Eduard (1994)
Paleogene cover. Gross, Pavol - Köhler, E. (1991)
Western Carpathians, Eastern Alps, Dinarides. Special volume to the problems of the Paleozoc Geodynamic Domains. IGCP project No 276. Vozár, Jozef (1992)
Some problems of the pre-Alpine structure of the Western Carpathians. Jacko, Stanislav (1992)
The pressure character of the Alpine metamorphism in the Central and Inner Western Carpathians (Czecho-Slovakia). Mazzoli, Claudio - Sassi, Raffaele - Vozárová, Anna (1992)

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